Last week I was given the surprise honor of a Liebster Award Nomination by my friend and fellow blogger, Christina at
Christina's Book Reviews. Thank you again for the nomination Christina!
To accept this honor I had a few rules* to follow. One of them being to answer 11 questions and give 11 random facts. So here goes nothing:
Christina's Interview Questions:
- What is my favorite book or series?
That's easy. The Southern Vampire Mysteries.
- If I could meet one book character who would it be?
I think it might be Alice of Wonderland.
- What are my top favorite series?
Let's see: The Dresden Files, Southern Vampire Mysteries, Ender's Game, Disc World, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide, The Dark Tower... all amazing!
- Who are your top favorite male characters?
Toss up between Harry Dresden and Eric Northman
- Why did I start blogging?
So that I could make myself feel better about reading so much. No, but seriously.. I started blogging as a way to get myself through a phase of writers block and just kinda kept on going with it.
- What was the last book that made me cry?
The final chapter of 'Flat-Out Love' definitely brought a tear to my eye.
- What is my favorite romantic gesture from a book?
At the moment I'd say that honor goes to 'Days of Blood and Starlight' - and in an effort to stay away from spoilers I'll only go as far as to say it's the reason why Karou becomes, well, Karou.
- What is your favorite all time romance book?
Love in the Time of Cholera by García Márquez. Because it is the best, all time romance book. Period.
- Who is my favorite secondary female character from a book?
Iko, the brilliantly written robot sidekick in
Cinder by Marissa Meyer.
- What five books are you reading this year?
Well, the five I plan on tackling in the next month are:
- The Witches Daughter by Paula Brackston
- A Friend of the Family by Lauren Grodstein
- Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman
- Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith
- The Human Division #1: The B-Team by John Scalzi
But more on each of those in later postings I'm sure. ;)
- What are you reading now?
I've just starting to sink my teeth into
The Human Division #1 actually...
My nominees are:
- Chonny over at PlasterQuest (and trainwreck)
- Empty Art maintained by the talented Manny Trujillo
- Willem, another insanely talented artist friend, for his blog CE
- Just Another Photo Blog by good friend, not to mention fabulous photographer, Micah Goldstein
- The Languish Dynasty. (Neil hasn't updated in awhile, but maybe this award will prod him into action. :-D )
- Em for Just One More - a blog about baked goods that makes me hungry every time.
I know it said to nominate 11 blogs, but making sure they have under 200 subscribers makes this one hard I tell ya! And who knows - I could have just nominated a bunch of bloggers who have thousands of followers... what do I know anyway.
Edited to add Random Facts:
(Yeah I'm a big stupid-head and forgot them the first time)
- I have two corgis and yes, they really are the best thing in the universe
- I'm currently trying to iron out the last half of a YA, romantic fantasy I'm writing.
- I used to work in finance but marched out and got a job with a video game company - it was the best thing I ever did!
- I will watch anything produced by the BBC.
- My first car was a 20 year old Mercury Marquis - and it was like the most comfortable sofa on wheels.
- I woke up to the album August and Everything After for one entire year back in high school because it was jammed in my CD player / alarm clock and I couldn't figure out how to break it out of prison.
- I once back-ended a car onto a rock and needed to get a tow truck to use a winch and lower me off of it - true story.
- I don't have a 'favorite' color - but I sure have preferences.
- I've kept a few pet rats over the years.. and would do so again in a heartbeat.
- When people tell me gory stories I have a bad tendency of blacking out.
- If I didn't keep a book review blog I'd keep one that documented my ever growing list of pet-peeves.
*If I nominated you for the same honor there are a number of rules to follow:
- Thank your Liebster Blog Award Presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger who presented this award to you.
- Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees. (See below for my questions to you!)
- Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers of less who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen. (No tag backs)
- Copy and paste this award on your blog!
And that's it! Pretty easy qualification and again - thank you Christina. It's been a lovely experience.
Question for my nominees:
- What did you want to be when you were ten years old?
- What is your favorite book?
- What was your favorite television show back in high school?
- What is it now?
- Why do you blog?
- What is your favorite quote?
- What is your least favorite word and why?
- Do you have any movie recommendations?
- If you had a time machine would you use it?
- If I say the number 42 what do you think of?
- Where is the best place you've ever traveled to?